
I am Angela Watts.

I am Yahweh’s Child and I strive to glorify the King in all I do. I’m a homeschooled highschooler who lives with my amazing family — and with the Gypsy and Norwegian in our blood, we don’t often stay in one place, but our home is Step By Step Sanctuary in Tennessee. 

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Here are some bullet points about me. Because I like bullet points and lists.

  • I’m an artist. 
  • I’m  photographer. This world, and all of the creations, are from Creator’s Hands and belong to Him. It’s a gift to capture pieces of His beautiful world! 
  • I’m a huge romantic at heart!
  • I’m an old soul. 
  • I’m also pretty snarky.
  • Professional movie quoter.
  • Karate-ka. I practice Wado Ryu karate and have won first place gold in the USEWF championships.

Seek the Light, may God bless you!

– Angela R. Watts

Isaiah 60:1 – Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

26 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Woah, I think we have everything in common:) God, knives, guns, the Hobbit, homeschooled, artist, writer, horses, children, quotes, forests, tea, drawn’, alone time, etc..:) You write ing at the end of your words like in’? I do too=D Where are my manners? I’m Sarah at sarahssword.blogspot.com
    I’m 15…I’ll be 16 in June
    I love all things Tolkien and Marvel(mainly Thor and Hawkeye though;)
    I want to go to New Zealand, Ireland, or London, England some dayXD
    I’d love to meet Richard Armitage…although I’d probably faint and fumbled with my words=)
    These are just some things for you to get to no me better:)
    Have a look around my blog if you will and I would love if you would comment:)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello Sara! 😀 That’s pretty great that we have so much in common! 😀 And yeah I try to, since I say my words like ‘in’ mostly. 🙂
      We have fandom things in common! Hawkeye is great! 😀 *high five* I want to go to all of those places too! And Japan, France, and Holland! 😀
      And Richard Armitage is a gentleman- he’d probably help you up and hug you either way! 😀 I’d love to meet my favorite band Fall Out Boy. I’d probably grin like a fool the entire time, but hey! 😉
      And I will surely stalk- I mean look around your blog! XD 😉 Thank you so much again! 🙂


  2. Hi! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! I love your header so much! Your whole blog is beautiful and I can’t wait to read more! I loved your about me page! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not country, don’t live in the south, or on a ranch. But we’re similar in the way that I’m a teenager, conservative, pro-life, gun lovin’, American girl. =)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. *raises hand* Yet another teenage pro-life conservative homeschooled God-loving, American-loving, gun-loving, book-loving horse-adoring writing country girl. 😀 I’m also short (not quite 5’2″), too.

    Thanks for the follow; I returned the favor.

    Liked by 1 person

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