Purposeful Pages, August Edition

Purposeful Pages Meme

Hey y’all. 🙂 This week I decided to do something different- and a whole lotta fun! I just found this link-up, and the questions seemed fun, soo… I decided to do it! 🙂


Purposeful Pages is a monthly link-up designed to unite bloggers on answering questions about life, blogging, the Bible, writing, and books. Hosted by Hannah Rodriguez and Amanda Beguerie, you can check out their pages for more info on the link-up! 😀

Now, onward to their questions and my answers. 😉

Question One // What book of the Bible has taught you the most this month?

Ooh, this is very hard. I have been studying quite a few books of the Bible this month. With school starting, we’ve been reading Genesis, and a bit of Proverbs… Though at the beginning of the month, us ladies (Ma, Tory, and I) had a mini devotional. Using the book Titus, it was a huge breath of fresh air to me to see what Yeshua had to say about young ladies staying under the protection of their fathers, making an income- without leaving his protection! 🙂 So, while we have been dissecting the Word lately and I’ve learned a TON, that part got a big grin on my face. 😉

Question Two // How would you react if you were in the positions of either Esther, if you’re a girl, or Daniel, if you’re a guy?

Hmm… This is something that makes you think, isn’t it? 🙂 Esther’s story was powerful, but it never really resignated with me right off. I have to sit and really think about what she did.That being done- I don’t exactly know what I would do in her position, because I’ve never been in it. However, her lesson was clear, and so- if I was in her position or my very life- I’d have faith in Yeshua, and pray for guidance and courage and strength. I would try and do His will, even if I stumbled.

Question Three // If you could have a book character for a sibling, who would it be, and what makes you two alike?

… Not replacing any of my current siblings, right? xD Even though they can be a handful, of course. OK, so if we were to like ‘adopt’ this book character as my sibling… AHH. SO HARD. I think maybe Anne Shirley? She’s super eccentric and would be so crazy and funny… We’d be alike in lots of our ways haha, so we’d either get along great or drive each other insane. 😉

Question Four // If you’re a novelist, answer: How would your main character most likely spend his or her Friday night? If you’re not a novelist, answer: How would you most likely spend your Friday night?

My response: WHICH CHARACTER?! ;D I am a novelist, so, I’m just gonna pick… Asher from Seek! He’s a riot of a guy… I’m pretty sure he’d be at Eli/Angel’s house, making popcorn, taking the entire bottle of bubbly juice, and sprawling out on the couch watching old Western movies. That is, if he wasn’t cracking into something on his laptop...

Question Five // What are the top three books you’re just dying to read?

LUNATIC CAME IN THE MAIL TODAY!!! So that means I must reread the Lost Books before reading Lunatic, but yesss I am happy. Uh… Leota’s Garden by Francine Rivers, If We Survive by Andrew Klavan, and Fire In The Hills by Donna Jo Napoli. 🙂

Question Six // Can you briefly share the story behind your blog’s name?

*kinda freaks out at the word ‘briefly’* After a while of other names, none of them stuck. So upon brainstorming with my Mama, we came up with a name that described me and who I prayed to be. The Peculiar Messenger is me; I’m peculiar (Yeshua says not to conform to the ways of the world…), and my name means ‘messenger of Yehovah’. My name means it, and I pray to share Yeshua’s message and be His messenger. 🙂

Question Seven // What do you consider to be your blog’s “branding,” or signature? What sets your blog or social media platform apart from others?

This blog does not have a main ‘theme’ or focus. I don’t have it perfectly set up. It isn’t clockwork magic. It’s my journal, my outlet, with my words and my heart and my photos and everything. It’s mine. I pray this blog reaches people and glories Yeshua- but it, like myself, is not perfect or cookie-cutted.

I think what sets this blog apart is that I try to have it reflect me, my life, and my loved ones… Our journey. Our journey is quite different, the way we believe and follow Yeshua, and what we’ve been blessed with (we have two rare tribes of horses, right outside our door!)… But I have the gift to record it here!

Question Eight // Who are a few of your favorite bloggers?

I try sometimes, but I’m not the busiest bug, and it can be kinda hard for me to branch out to other bloggers… But there are a few good eggs out there. 😉






Question Nine // If you could go on a road trip of your dreams, where would you go and who would you spend time with?

I have SO MANY road trips of my dreams. xD Not kidding. I love traveling. Oh my word.

Uhh… Eek! 😀 Of course, I’d bring my family. Ma, Dad, Kody, Tory, Roger, Reyna, Laney- the whole gang. And I think it would be a riot to drag along bring my best friend and her family, too! Definitely the road trip of my dreams. Chaos would ensue but it would be SO FUN.

Where’d we go? Hmm… I’ve been in the mood to go to the beach, but really… I’d love to just travel. No huge set destination. I know this is soo a dream world *sigh* but just drive! See the sights, pick a couple big great places (Great Canyon, place where they filmed Dances With Wolves…) and just go around! A relaxed road trip with lots of pictures and enjoyment.

Question Ten // Using five words or less, tell a story.

The Morning Star remained almighty.


Pretty nice lil’ link thingie. 😉 I’m coming down with a cold (and trying to drown myself in essential oils and water lol), so it was nice to get my mind of my throat for now. 😉

YHVH bless!


6 thoughts on “Purposeful Pages, August Edition

  1. Aaaaah, I’m on the favorite blogger list! *happiness* I should do this … except this month has been crazy … and September will be even more so … hmm. 😛


  2. Pingback: Purposeful Pages Link-Up: September Edition | Scattered Journal Pages

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